Minister says EU-funded project to restore dignity to Slavonia

Photo /00 Foto mobitel/Europski semestar/Članovi Vlade/4 Članovi Vlade - 14 Vlada RH/Ministrica_Zalac.jpg

The Regional Development and EU Funds Ministry said on Tuesday that the project "Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem" had been launched to secure EUR 2.5 billion (HRK 18.75 billion) from EU funds for projects in five Slavonian counties, with Minister Gabrijela Zalac saying that the purpose of the project was to restore dignity to that region, which used to be Croatia's granary.

Funds for investments in business, agriculture, education, health, research and development, water supply and wastewater management, cultural and natural heritage, transport, river navigation and energy have been secured within current operational programmes and the Rural Development Programme in the financial period 2014-2020.

"This large and important project is aimed at encouraging people to return to Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem, creating new jobs and stimulating growth and regional economic development. We will stop long-lasting negative demographic trends and restore dignity to what was once Croatia's granary," Zalac said.

The project is also aimed at creating conditions for the introduction of a special regional operational programme for the regions of Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem in the EU's next financial period 2021-2027.

"The Project Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem will also include measures such as the introduction of a new development index model, the creation of a poverty map, a multiple deprivation index and of analyses to serve as the basis for redefining statistical regions in the new financing period," the Ministry said.

So far, around 2.3% of funds in the amount of more than HRK 420 million has been contracted through the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion and the Rural Development Programme for the project "Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem".

Text: Hina
