Ministry says EU membership has strengthened Croatia's reputation

Photo /Vijesti/2019/07 srpanj/01 srpnja/Zastave.png

In the six years of its EU membership Croatia has proven to be a member that promotes European values and at the same time it has strengthened its reputation, influence and visibility in the European, global and multilateral context, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MVEP) said in a press release on Monday, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Croatia's joining the EU.

By using the numerous advantages of EU membership, including the possibility of taking EU grants, Croatia has achieved visible progress in several areas, the press release said.

"Croatia is improving internal transport connectivity as well as connectivity with other countries thanks to projects such as the construction of the Peljesac Bridge, the reconstruction of railway lines and roads and air and sea ports, and a number of other projects," the MVEP adds.

It further recalls that Croatia has become part of a developed network of agreements on free trade which the EU has concluded with third countries.

"The European Union has 36 agreements on free trade with third countries which cover 63 countries around the world, and that has opened significant markets for our exporters. Also, Croatian entrepreneurs have equal access to the European market, which has contributed to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and boosted economic growth and helped create new jobs and reduce unemployment," the MVEP says.

The Erasmus+ programme has enabled young people to study and gain experience in other member countries while projects financed with EU funds support economic progress, a more even development of all Croatian regions and the preservation and development of agriculture, the ministry says.

With regard to participation in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, the ministry says that it provides Croatia with the opportunity to achieve its foreign policy priorities, thus having a greater international impact, visibility and recognisability.

It is particularly important for Croatia to make sure the EU's attention stays on the area of Southeast Europe, it says.

"Engagement in the EU's neighbourhood is also important to us as is a common response to global challenges such as migrations, terrorism or hybrid threats. Croatia is especially engaged and contributes to strengthening Europe's security-defence dimension by participating in EU missions and operations, supporting a tighter cooperation between the EU and NATO and participating in efforts to advance Europe's defence capabilities and cooperation," the press release concluded.

The ministry also recalled that Croatia was continuing to work on its accession to the Schengen area and the eurozone.

Text: Hina
