Paladina: Construction of new houses starts by the end of the summer

Photo /Vijesti/2022/04 travanj/14 travnja/Paladina 2.jpg

Construction Minister Ivan Paladina on Thursday presented a plan for stepping up post-earthquake reconstruction, saying the priority is adequate accommodation by the winter for citizens still living in containers.

"Our priority is to enable citizens who are in containers or without adequate accommodation to spend the winter in their homes or in adequate accommodation," he said at a press conference.

Presenting five points for stepping up reconstruction, Paladina said the first pertained to more efficient organisation from day to day. He also announced the strengthening of human resources in his ministry and the Reconstruction Fund.

"It's clear that a year and a half since the formation of the Fund, we don't have even one construction site in the Zagreb area," he said, adding that "this indicates that adjustments are necessary. We will carry out organisational changes in the next couple of months."

The minister also announced more efficient and faster procurement procedures as well as regulatory changes. "We have established that it's important that we inform the construction market about a long-term procurement plan and long-term activities."

He said he would prepare cost estimates for procurement procedures "in a very short time" and that "instead of having 30 procurements for 30 buildings, we will have one."

Text: Hina
