Plenković: Government strives to include people with disabilities in everyday life

Photo /Vijesti/2020/06 lipnja/15 lipnja/EajgKV5XYAAvLpa.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday opened the 7th symposium of the Croatian Federation of Persons with Physical Disabilities and underlined the government's efforts to include persons with disabilities in everyday life.

"From the beginning of our term, our policy has been to develop unity and partnership with all of you in all fields and in the realisation of your interests. We acted together in the adoption of regulations and many important decisions as well as in seeking solutions to the challenges and difficulties you encounter," said Plenkovic.

The government's policy is based on international and national documents, notably the 2017-20 national strategy on equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

"In our activities, we strive towards achieving full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the everyday life of the community and the exercise of rights and services which facilitate everyday life," Plenkovic said.

The federation's president, Jozefina Kranjcec, thanked him and the government for the support.

