Plenkovic: It's important new owners show confidence in Agrokor

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Commenting on a settlement plan for the indebted retail and food group Agrokor which was voted in by a majority of creditors on Wednesday, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that he considered it important that new owners showed confidence in the new company and its capability to generate a profit.

Plenkovic, speaking to the press during a visit to the northwestern city of Varazdin, congratulated the majority of creditors who had voted in favour of the settlement plan.

"I would like to reiterate that in a very short time, under very demanding circumstances and in the context that is now being forgotten, when Agrokor was facing a bankruptcy and when a financial collapse of many companies, suppliers and small farmers was looming, this government found a solution and within a sensible time frame of 15 months helped save jobs and provide Agrokor and its partners with economic prospects," the PM said.

Despite the attacks, we have kept the same course and that is a general interest of the Croatian economy, the Croatian state and employees. We have sent out a message about our trustworthy legal system, Plenkovic said.

Asked by the press whether he thanked former Economy Minister Martina Dalic during whose term the relevant legislation was prepared and adopted for the bailout of Agrokor, and who stepped down when the scandal dubbed "Borg Group E-Mails" broke out, Plenkovic answered in the affirmative.

He said that Dalic had made a great contribution to the outcome of efforts to solve the Agrokor crisis.

Plenkovic said that the final approval of the Agrokor settlement by the High Commercial Court and the implementation of the deal would now take at least half a year, after which a new ownership structure would be established.

Text: Hina
