Plenković: Serbian indictment politically rigged

Photo /Vijesti/2022/24 kolovoza/IMG_2267.JPG

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Thursday that the indictment which Belgrade issued against wartime Croatian pilots for alleged war crimes against civilians was politically motivated and he called on Serbia to deal with its past.

The premier said at the start of his cabinet's meeting that a few months ago, the Croatian authorities had met with the pilots and had reassured them that they would protect them.

"Croatia was a victim of (Serbia's) aggression, the (1991-1995) Homeland War was a defensive war and our pilots will enjoy special care by the state in this context. We will find ways to address this situation," he said.

The four pilots of Croatia's Air Force whom Serbia is accusing of issuing orders to shell a refugee column on 7 and 8 August 1995 in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina are Vladimir Mikac (67), Zdenko Radulj (69), Željko Jelenić (69) and Danijel Borović (64).

Plenković said that they had not yet received any information in writing from Serbia about the indictment.

War Veterans' Affairs Minister Tomo Medved will hold talks with the pilots tomorrow, said Plenković.

Text: Hina
