PM calls on citizens to be responsible and trust experts and authorities

Photo /Vijesti/2020/03 ožujak/26 ožujka/HN20200326513171.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday urged citizens to be responsible, self-disciplined, patient and to trust the government and experts in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

At the cabinet meeting on Thursday Plenkovic thanked all those who have been working for the past month to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Croatia.

"My thanks to doctors, nurses, the entire medical staff, police, inspectors, soldiers, everyone who in any way is doing something to maintain and enable a normal life in the special circumstances we have been found in," he said.

Plenkovic underscores that the government's decisions are not founded on any political voluntarism but are based on estimates by those who have dedicated their lives to combatting diseases.

He reiterated that currently the fight against this pandemic is not medicine of the 21st century but the methodology of previous centuries by separating the healthy from the ill. "That is the only method that is currently giving results," said Plenkovic who appealed for citizens's trust in the efforts to curb the pandemic in Croatia.

"Eventually, the line will be drawn about the number of people infected, the sick and finally the death rate. That will be our only 'score board' which we will watch, I hope, when we beat this pandemic. That is why we have to be self-disciplined, patient and have trust," said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
