PM: Changes in the electoral law in BiH will ensure the equal status of Croats and the functionality of the country

Photo /Vijesti/2018/04 travanj/10 travnja/Mostar/3.jpg

Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and the Croat member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina tripartite presidency, Dragan Covic, held talks in Mostar on Tuesday and on that occasion they expressed expectations that the ruling of Bosnia's Constitutional Court on amending the election legislation would be implemented in a timely fashion to ensure the full equality of all the three constituent peoples in the country.

"We are demonstrating our wish to help Bosnia and Herzegovina and help the Croats to be a fully constituent people. Efforts should be made to ensure compliance with the ruling of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Constitutional Court ahead of the final agreement on the election legislation and (general) elections due to be held this October," Plenkovic said after the talks with Covic.

He reiterated Croatia's commitment to facilitating the efforts of European Union aspirants to join the Union.

"We advocate the further enlargement," Plenkovic said adding that Zagreb is the strongest proponent of Bosnia and Herzegovina's EU membership prospects.

During his stay in Mostar on Tuesday morning, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that heads of state or government who attended a formal dinner in Mostar on Monday evening had expressed satisfaction with how the Croatian government was handling the situation in the ailing private food and retail group Agrokor, and how his cabinet helped prevent the spillover of the Agrokor crisis to other economies in Croatia's neighbourhood.

"I think that all leaders in our neighbourhood are content with the manner in which Croatia managed not only to prevent a problem for its own economy but also to deter spillover effects on their respective economies," Plenkovic told reporters during the opening of the international economic fair in Mostar.

The dinner held ahead of the start of the international fair brought together Plenkovic, the Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina's tripartite presidency, Dragan Covic, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov as well as the presidents, Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia and Filip Vujanovic of Montenegro.

A report of the emergency administration appointed by Zagreb's Commercial Court for the heavily indebted Agrokor a year ago will be presented to the Plenkovic cabinet in Zagreb on Tuesday afternoon.

Text: Hina
