PM issues Independence Day message

Photo /Vijesti/2017/10 listopad/7 listopada/IMG_5463.JPG

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Saturday congratulated Croatian citizens on Independence Day, October 8, saying 8 October 1991 would remain remembered in Croatian history "because we chose a sovereign, independent and democratic Croatia."

"This year Croatia is proudly celebrating the 26th anniversary of Independence Day. The Croatian parliament on 8 October 1991 adopted the brave decision to sever all state ties" between Croatia and the former Yugoslavia, Plenkovic said in a note, according to a government press release.

"In the just and imposed Homeland War, Croatia defended and reinforced its independence. Therefore we owe immeasurable gratitude and deep respect to all Croatian defenders and the members of their families, notably those who gave their lives for the country's freedom," Plenkovic said.

He recalled that "over the past 26 years Croatia passed a demanding path. By entering the European Union and NATO, we fulfilled our two most important strategic goals. We have proven to be a reliable and valuable partner and a member of numerous respectable international organisations, and our troops participate in the most demanding military missions around the world."

The government "is doing everything to give our citizens a better life. We are dedicated to strengthening political stability and the country's economic development. We will continue to persistently build a modern society which rests on the universal and European values of democracy, solidarity, rule of law and social responsibility," Plenkovic said.

Text: Hina
