PM issues message of unity and partnership to all Slavonia

Photo /Vijesti/2018/07 srpanj/20 srpnja/Dan Grada VK/IMG_3944.JPG

The Vinkovci Town Council held a formal session on Wednesday to mark the day of the town and its patron, Saint Elijah. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who issued a message of unity and partnership and said that Croatia could do more and better.

"We are aware that living in Slavonia is not easy and that's why we said two years ago, when we were embarking on the election campaign, that we want this term in office to be marked by investments in Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem, and that's what we are doing," Plenkovic said.

"The Slavonian counties deserve an extended hand of help, support, cooperation and investment so that Slavonia can be one of the generators of this country's development, so that our young people will stay here, in their country and their home, to start their families," he added.

Plenkovic called for stronger cooperation between central and local government to increase development, unity and trust.

"This government has invested 4.5 billion kuna in employment projects alone, which is more than the previous government in its entire term, and this can be felt," he said, adding that good macroeconomic indicators were also putting wind into the government's sails.

"We are the third best performing EU country in terms of public debt reduction," the prime minister said and noted that this year's tourist season would be the best in the country's history, better than last year when it recorded 100 million overnight stays, 18 million visitors and 11-12 billion kuna in revenues. "Let us, therefore, seize this moment because Croatia can do more and better," he said, stressing that Croatia had the necessary political stability to achieve that.

Text: Hina
