PM Milanovic visiting flood-hit areas

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Monday visited Slavonski Brod which was fighting against the rising waters of the swollen River Sava, and on that occasion he expressed satisfaction with the fact that this eastern city had managed to protect itself from the flood.

"This could have been a disaster," Milanovic said, adding that the situation had been close to having the waters deluging this seventh largest Croatian city.

"Fortunately, this has not happened," the premier said, praising the local expert teams on the ground for their endeavours.

Later in the day, he departed to the inundated areas of Gunja and nearby villages on the left bank of the River Sava.

He also raised the question of how it could happen that the embankment in the Rajevo Selo village, built four years ago, had given way to the rushing waters.

A man in that village died in this disaster on Sunday, and two more persons are still missing.


News | Zoran Milanović