PM opened te fourth edition of Croatian World Games

Photo /Vijesti/2017/07 srpanj/18 srpnja/HSI/HSI3.jpg

The fourth edition of Croatian World Games, dubbed Crolympics, the largest sports competition of Croats and their descendants from around the world, started in Zagreb on Tuesday evening.

The opening ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, State Property Minister Goran Maric, Administration Minister Lovro Kuscevic, Veterans Minister Tomo Medved, Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Gabrijela Zalac, as well as the envoys of the Croatian president and the parliament speaker

According to the organisers, more than 1000 participants from around the world will take part in the games and another 150 from Croatia in 16 different disciplines.

This is the first time that participants from Canada and the USA will compete in addition to competitors from Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Brazil, Montenegro, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Italy, Ireland, Macedonia, Netherlands, Germany, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Switzerland, Sweden, Tanzania, Great Britain and Venezuela.

The games are being held under the auspices of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, the Croatian Sabor and the City of Zagreb. The slogan of this year's games is "One heart, one Croatia."
