PM Plenkovic says first 100 days of his cabinet's term very intensive

Photo /Vijesti/2017/01 siječanj/26 siječnja/ VRH3.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday underscored that in the first 100 days of the term of his cabinet, reforms had been launched aimed at economic growth, legal security and social solidarity, in addition to securing political stability in the country.

A good and rational budget has been adopted that enables a balanced regional development in Croatia, the prime minister underscored at the start of a cabinet meeting in Zagreb.

He recalled that the comprehensive tax reform has reduced income and corporate taxes. The public procurement system has been streamlined and a plan to relieve some of the burden on entrepreneurs had been created so that 2017 could be a year of enterprise and further economic recovery, he underlined.

A special action plan has been designed with the aim of improving the efficiency of public administration, he noted, and certain measures have been taken, including the establishment of the relevant ministry, in order to make the management of state assets more efficient.

Plenkovic described the first 100 days of his cabinet's term as a very intensive period in which each member of his cabinet was dedicated to working on the programme that was approved in parliament on October 19, last year.

He commented on media headlines that the government's honeymoon was over.

"I have read media reports that the honeymoon is over. If this were a honeymoon, then I am not certain that people would easily decide to marry considering the treatment we were given (during the  first 100 days, that is the so-called honeymoon),, he said.

He thanked the Croatian Sabor, adding that an exceptional large number of bills have been put into parliamentary procedure.

Referring to a document released on the government's web site, Plenovic said, "we have prepared a document for these first 100 days which presents the most relevant parts and indicates that we responsibly approached the job and that we will work for the benefit of the young and those who are most important - all those who are working and are earning - enterprises, state administration, the private sector - and care for pensioners. We will continue with social dialogue too," Plenkovic announced.

The document among other points notes that the budget funds have been increased for science and education and that budget outlays for Croatian war veterans have also been significantly increased as well as the defence budget after several years of reductions.

The document further notes that funding has been secured for the development of Croatian rural areas as well as improving the monitoring health standards guaranteeing the quality of food.

The prime minister thanked his cabinet and added that he expected them to be even more dedicated to their work in the coming period and stressed that he was certain they would justify his confidence in them.

He notes that on the international and European scene, Croatia is held in high esteem and that it will remain committed to universal and European values that it has aspired for over the past 25 years since international recognition and that this government will continue to insist on that, in an endeavour to improve the living standards of Croatian citizens.

Plenkovic gave a summary of his recent official visits to Israel and his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
