PM Plenkovic visits Defence Ministry and the Pleso air base

  • Photo /Vijesti/2017/01 siječanj/31 siječnja/_JKP3457.JPG

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, accompanied by Finance Minister Zdravko Maric and associates, on Tuesday visited the Defence Ministry where Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic informed him of new initiatives, including basic military training and the return of the army to areas where it had been traditionally present.

"New initiatives are currently being considered and analysed by the Armed Forces, and they have been prompted by new security threats," Krsticevic said while speaking of the ministry's key activities and plans in the period ahead.

"We must be aware of risks that are more complex than before, which is exactly why political, expert and public discussion on the adoption of strategic documents and decisions that concern all citizens is important," the defence minister said.

Krsticevic expressed confidence that new strategic documents - the National Security Strategy and the Homeland Security Act - would be adopted as soon as possible.

He said that this year an important decision needed to be taken concerning the future of the Air Force, which would require a broad public consensus because it concerned future generations as well.

"Increasing defence spending and building the capacity of the security system must also have support from the civil community because these are all guarantees of a successful economy as the basic foundation of development," Krsticevic said.

The Armed Forces Chief of Staff, General Mirko Sundov, outlined the structure and location of units and reported on current tasks, including participation in peace missions and operations, planned military exercises and training, and assistance provided by the Armed Forces to civil institutions and local community through emergency helicopter transport, search and rescue operations, and fire protection.

After the meeting, Prime Minister Plenkovic, accompanied by Defence Minister Krsticevic, visited the Pleso air base where he got acquainted with the operating procedures of the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence (HRZ and PZO) under the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS).

Photo: MORH / OSRH
