PM Sanader issues message on Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day

ZAGREB, Aug 3 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has sent a message on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and War Veterans' Day, celebrated on 5 August.

"Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day is marked on the day of the greatest Croatian military victory during the Homeland Defence War, when the Croatian constitutional and legal order was restored in the occupied areas as a result of the military and police Operation Storm. Therefore that day is taken to be the Day of War Veterans whose patriotism, brave hearts and resolve secured Croatia's independence and sovereignty," Sanader said in the message released on Sunday.

During the Homeland Defence War, Croatian forces became a victorious army whose troops are now engaged in many peace missions throughout the world. The crown of all those endeavours is the invitation sent to Croatia to join NATO, Sanader said, interpreting it as the international recognition of Croatia's key role for the stability in southeastern Europe and the country's commitment to democratic values.

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