PM Sanader receives Bosnian Croat leader

ZAGREB, Feb 4 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on Wednesday received the president of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina party (HDZ BiH), Dragan Covic, who informed him of talks representatives of Bosnian political parties began in Prud last November, the government said in a press release.

In Prud, a village in northern Bosnia, Covic and the presidents of Bosnia's leading parties, Sulejman Tihic of the Party of Democratic Action and Milorad Dodik of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, reached an agreement on constitutional reforms.

Sanader said the Croatian government welcomed and supported any talks and agreements between representatives of Bosnia's three constituent peoples (Croats, Bosniaks, Serbs) which protected the country's integrity and Euro-Atlantic prospects, as well as the equality and sovereignty of the Bosnian Croat people.

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