PM says cabinet meeting on Hvar has reference to development of islands

Photo /Vijesti/2018/10 listopad/26 listopada/PVRH_Hvar.jpg

Today's cabinet meeting on the island of Hvar has reference to the development of islands, and "a hand has been extended" to the island populations through a bill on islands and three tourism-related bills, since a quarter of tourism revenues comes from the islands, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said after the meeting in the town of Hvar on Friday.

The meeting focused on the development of the Adriatic islands and summed up the outcome of the country's most successful tourist season so far.

The government also signed several projects and decisions on financing the projects on the islands, with an aggregate amount of 5.6 billion kuna.

The prime minister said that some of the projects related to the development of the electricity supply system in the next 10 years.

Text: Hina
