PM says in Statehood Day message togetherness will make Croatia better, stronger

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Sunday issued a Statehood Day message, saying the government was resolutely continuing with reforms and that togetherness would make Croatia better and stronger.

By adopting the constitutional decision on Croatia's sovereignty and independence, and the declaration on the proclamation of sovereign and independent Croatia, parliament confirmed on 25 June 1991 the Croatian people's will for the establishment of an independent state, Plenkovic said.

That was a decisive step towards a free and sovereign Croatia on a journey on which we faced the Greater Serbia aggression and on which we had to confirm those historic decisions with the Croatian people's sacrifices and the lives of many of our citizens, he added.

Celebrating Statehood Day, we gratefully remember the courage, determination and perseverance of Croatian defenders and all who stood up to defend the homeland, notably those who took the heaviest toll, whose lives are built into the foundations of Croatia, Plenkovic said.

We also remember the wise decisions of Croatia's first president Franjo Tudjman, who steered our journey towards an internationally recognised state dedicated to the values of contemporary democracy, tolerance and the rule of law, he added.

Although three decades ago that was but a dream of many previous generations, today Croatia is part of Western European civilisation and a democratic political, economic and security system. As a member of NATO, it contributes to security and stability, and five years of European Union membership enable us to define new priorities and development possibilities, said Plenkovic.

Last year we achieved a singular result in public finance. For the first time, Croatia earned more than it spent, and employment growth is the second fastest in Europe. Achieving the next strategic goals, entering the euro and Schengen areas, will bring us to even tighter integration, whereby we will strengthen our worth and become part of the closest circle in the EU, he said.

We are resolutely continuing with reforms, boosting the economy's competitiveness, increasing employment, maintaining public finances and demographically revitalising the country, and in order to be better and stronger we need all people who want progress to come together. I am certain that together we can achieve better living standards and better lives for our fellow citizens, the PM said, congratulating all Croats at home and abroad on Statehood Day, which is observed on June 25.

Text: Hina
