PM says it's duty of government to reduce divisions in society

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday in Jasenovac that the government's policy is based on reducing division in society, condemning WWII crimes, showing respect for the victims and a culture of remembrance that contributes to understanding and tolerance.

"The policy we are pursuing is based on the clear condemnation of crime, on respect for the victims, on nurturing a culture of remembrance and on the permanent and committed work on understanding and tolerance in society," Plenkovic told reporters while touring the Jasenovac memorial centre during the 75th anniversary of the break-out of inmates from that Ustasha-run camp in that Croatian town in the valley of the Sava River.

He added that the entire legacy which totalitarian regimes have bequeathed to the Croatian people is painful and difficult and divides the Croatian people.

It's duty of government and education system is to reduce divisions

Therefore  it is the duty of the government and of the education system to reduce those divisions so that the truth that occurred was clearly visible to everyone, he added.

"All our activities all these years have been on that track and will continue to be in the future. We expect representatives of the victims to hear and understand that policy," said the prime minister.

He mentioned that representatives of his government have attended the commemoration for the fourth time so that they can "condemn the terror," that occurred in Jasenovac during World War II, and the crimes that the Ustasha regime committed.

"The thing that is good is that today's commemoration has gathered all the key officials of the country's authorities. This year was a big anniversary related to the Auschwitz concentration camp and then we resolutely and publicly condemned the fascist and Nazi crimes and we are doing that now and we wish to nurture a culture of remembrance in Croatia," Plenkovic underscored.

Let us educate the young about the terror that occurred in Jasenovac during World War II

Plenkovic assessed that it was very important to repeat that to younger generations, for them to be aware of the terror that occurred during World War II and that one of those ugly and sad episodes occurred in Jasenovac too.

"We are working so that representatives of the victims and authorities jointly pay their respects to those who died here. The issue of dialogue with representatives of the victims is continual. Great efforts have been invested during the term of this government, much more than before," he said.

Plenkovic recalled that in his capacity as prime minister not only has he visited Jasenovac four times but that he had also been to Yad Vashem and Auschwitz. "The policy we pursue, statements we make, are firm, clear and in that regard we are open to further dialogue," he added.

Asked to comment on allegations that the Veterans' Affairs Ministry is financing "neo-Ustasha associations," that are investigating the alleged three-fold camp in Jasenovac and why the government is allowing "that disgrace," Plenkovic said that his government "will not hear of any revisionism."

"We've said and shown that many times. As far as concrete projects are concerned, I will see about that with the relevant ministry," said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
