Prime Minister Kosor and executives from timber companies hold meeting

ZAGREB, March 1 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on Monday held a meeting with executives of the state-owned Hrvatske Sume forest and woodland management and managers from timber processing companies to discuss models to improve solvency in this sector, enable the development of new programmes and help Croatian companies to enhance their competitiveness.

The government will propose to the Hrvatske Sume to continue implementing measures which will help the Croatian timber processing industry and the government will also earmark HRK 65 million for the implementation of tenders for grants to this industrial branch.

Kosor pointed out the importance of cooperation between Hrvatske Sume and the timber processing industry in overcoming complex conditions for business and in maintaining jobs in the national timber industry.

The Hrvatske Sume CEO, Darko Vuletic, informed the PM about the current situation in forest management, and said that despite the economic crisis, the company had made positive business results in 2009.

Last year, exports from Croatia's timber processing industry totalled USD 755 million, and this industry had a surplus of several hundred million of US dollars in foreign trade.

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