Prime Minister meets visiting EC Vice President Reding

ZAGREB, Sept 10 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on Friday met with European Commission Vice-President and EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding after the opening of a conference on the impact of European Union membership on the judiciary in Zagreb earlier in the day.

PM Kosor reaffirmed that her cabinet was determined to wrap up the technical negotiations with the EU by the end of this year or in early 2011.

She said that her country expected the signing of the accession treaty in the spring of 2011.

Speaking of the negotiating area Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, Kosor said the reform of the national judiciary and the campaign against corruption were proceeding with the same intensity.

The result of the anti-corruption drive will eventually lead to the strengthening of the economy and render Croatia more attractive to investors, Kosor said.

Reding praised Croatia for progress on the road towards the EU and congratulated Kosor on efforts she was investing to help Croatia become the 28th member of the European bloc.

Commenting on the policy chapters Competition Policy and Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, the EC Vice President, responsible for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, said that Croatia could always count on support from Brussels.

Reding spoke about the importance of acquainting Croatians with all aspects of EU membership, and in that context PM Kosor spoke about the government's communication strategy.

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