Prime Minister Oreskovic, Slovenian parliament speaker say relations better

Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/ožujak/16 ožujka/Premije_slov.parl.jpg

Croatian-Slovenian relations are much more open and cordial than under the previous Croatian government, Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and Slovenian Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez said on Wednesday, the Croatian government said in a press release.

The two officials confirmed that the two countries are cooperating very well in dealing with the migrant crisis, that communication is excellent and that bilateral relations are more open and cordial than under the previous Croatian government, the press release said.

Oreskovic and Brglez, talked about developing a successful economic cooperation, with an emphasis on energy, tourism and infrastructure. They agreed to continue to invest efforts in the settlement of outstanding issues and the strengthening of relations between the two countries.

Brglez is on an official visit to Croatia and earlier in the day he met with Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner and President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.

(Text: Hina)
