Prime Minister Plenkovic at Osijek: Slavonija will have the government's full support

Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/prosinac/2 prosinca/PVRH Osijek.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Friday attended a special session of the Osijek City Council marking the eastern city's day, December 2.

Congratulating its inhabitants, Plenkovic said Osijek was full of potential which must be used better and that the government understood that, so Osijek and the Slavonia region "will have the government's full and active support in their further development."
He reiterated that the government would work out Project Slavonia as a policy model for eastern Croatia. The plan is to draw at least EUR 2.5 billion from European Union funds and other sources to drive the region's development, with Osijek as its centre.
Plenkovic said 27 projects worth EUR 125 million were financed in Osijek within various programmes, of which EUR 95 million were grants. The completion of the international corridor 5c from Budapest to Ploce will additionally connect Osijek with central Europe, he added.
"Based on the tradition in industry, trades and crafts and education, I am confident that Osijek can successfully respond to every challenge and further improve the quality of living of its inhabitants, because the development of Slavonia depends on the development of Osijek. An economically potent Osijek, a successful Osijek-Baranja County, a strong Slavonia and Baranja are the prerequisite of a successful Croatia," said the PM.
Mayor Ivan Vrkic recalled that over EUR 100 million from EU funds had been invested in an upgrade of the city's public transport.
