Prime Minister Plenkovic attended International Romani Language Day

Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/studeni/4 studenog/SvjDanRomskogJezika.jpg

International Romani Language Day that Croatia has been observing for the past eight years was marked in the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb on Friday in the presence of numerous politicians, church dignitaries, culture and education officials and public figures.

The ceremony was also attended by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Deputy Parliament Speaker  Zeljko Reiner, who all supported the Roma community.
PM Plenkovic expressed satisfaction with the fact that his government had the support of and excellent cooperation with all eight ethnic minority deputies in the Croatian parliament who are their partners in the parliamentary majority.
He announced that promoting the current level of ethnic minority rights was one of the priorities in his government's platform, adding that the operational programme for individual ethnic minorities, including the Roma minority, would be drafted by the end of the year.
