Prime Minister Sanader offers best wishes on occasion of Statehood Day

ZAGREB, June 23 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on Tuesday extended a message of best wishes to Croatian citizens on the occasion of Statehood Day, observed on 25 June.

In the message, Sanader recalled that the historic Constitutional decision on Croatia's sovereignty and independence and the Declaration on the country's independence, which the national parliament adopted on 25 June 1991, were a decisive step towards the free and independent Republic of Croatia.

Today, Croatia is a NATO member, and has ensured the strongest international position since it gained its independence nearly two decades ago, reads the message.

Being successful in implementing numerous reforms, we have arrived at the centre of international politics. We are confident that we will know how to use this position and to accomplish our second strategic goal: admission to the European Union.

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