Prime Minister Sanader receives French ambassador

ZAGREB, June 23 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on Tuesday received incoming French Ambassador Jerome Pasquier, thanking him for France's support for Croatia's accession to NATO and advocacy of the completion of Croatia's accession negotiations with the European Unione.

Pasquier said France wanted to see Croatia in the EU as soon as possible and reiterated France's support for the completion of the entry talks.

Sanader said Croatia and France were developing friendly and partner relations, and recalled that Paris had inspired many Croatian writers and artists.

He said he was pleased that economic cooperation was stronger, and stressed that interest in French culture and language in Croatia was growing.

Pasquier said the number of French tourists visiting Croatia was increasing by the year, and thanked Sanader for personally supporting the promotion of the French language, for example in addresses at the UN.

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