Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic, Chinese delegation talk cooperation

Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/veljača/23 veljače/DSC_6305.JPG

Prime Minister received a delegation of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China to discuss projects in infrastructure, transport, energy and tourism, and the Chinese delegation showed interest in investing in the northern Adriatic port of Rijeka.

According to a statement issued by the Croatian government's public relations office, the two sides agreed that today's meeting would give a new impetus to the further strengthening of relations between Croatia and China, notably on the economic front.
They also talked about possibilities to improve cooperation through three dimensions -- bilateral relations, relations within the frameworks of the European Union and through the mechanism of cooperation with central and eastern European countries (China+16), the press release said.
"The NDRC delegation welcomed the initiative of connecting the Adriatic, the Baltic and the Black Sea, saying it was complementary with the Chinese initiative One Belt One Road and with the interests of Chinese investors. In that context, the two sides also discussed concrete projects in infrastructure, transport, energy and tourism and the Chinese delegation showed special interests in investing in the port of Rijeka," the press release said.

(Text: Hina)
