Task force for Viktor Lenac shipyard holds session

ZAGREB, July 2 (Hina) - A task force in charge of resolving the new situation in the Viktor Lenac shipyard held a session in the government headquarters in Zagreb on Monday and decided that teams of legal experts should be set up to consider all the relevant documentation about the Rijeka-based shipyard and a recent decision of the local High Commercial Court about the revocation of the proposed bankruptcy plan.

Based on appeals filed by the shipyard's creditors, the High Commercial Court last Thursday quashed a ruling of the Commercial Court from March this year accepting the company's bankruptcy plan and decided to return the shipyard's bankruptcy plan to be drawn up anew.

Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader attended the beginning of today's session to reiterate his cabinet strong support to the shipyard's employees.

According to a press release from the government, the Sanader cabinet offer all the available legal and material assistance so as to help the shipyard to pull itself from bankruptcy. The task force is to hold another session next week.

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