The priorities of the Croatian presidency are well integrated into the work of the Council of Europe

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland on Tuesday in Strasbourg underlined the importance of that Pan-European organisation for the democratic and legal order of the European continent.

Plenkovic is currently in Strasbourg on a visit to the Council of Europe, the oldest Pan-European organisation that has 47 member countries. Croatia's prime minister began his visit by meeting with the president of the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), Liliane Maury Pasquier, and after that he met with Jagland.

After the meeting, Jagland said that he did not agree that the Council of Europe's influence was dwindling.

Just the opposite, the role of the Council of Europe is becoming stronger, Jagland said and as an example cited that the European Court for Human Rights is the last refuge for a lot of people in Turkey.

We have set up a legal space from Vladivostok to Lisbon, from the far north to the South Caucasus. That is of particular importance for the European continent, Jagland said.

Plenkovic said that he completely agreed with the CoE secretary-general's assessment.

I agree with what the secretary-general said. I think that the Council of Europe, as the oldest European organisation, has an exceptionally important role in multilateral efforts in global governance and makes a big contribution to political governance in the European continent, said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
