War veterans' minister Mijo Crnoja resigns

Veterans Minister Mijo Crnoja submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Thursday, saying he did not want to be a liability to the government.

After a meeting with PM Oreskovic and Deputy Prime Ministers Tomislav Karamarko and Bozo Petrov that lasted several hours, Crnoja told the press outside the government headquarters that he presented all documents relevant to the accusations against him to the government and legal experts who said there were no elements of guilt contrary to the media reports.

"However, I do not wish to be a liability to this government, I don't want to be a problem which would make this government fail and prevent Croatia from moving forward so I submitted my resignation to Prime Minister Oreskovic," Crnoja said and extended his greetings to all Croatian veterans.
Crnoja, who was accompanied by his lawyers, declined to answer reporters' questions.
His resignation was requested by the Opposition in parliament following media headlines that the minister had provided false information regarding his place of residence and that he had been reported on several occasions for physical violence. A question was also raised about how he used the housing loan he received for the construction of a family home.

(Text: Hina)

