'We can all draw lessons from the success of our football players'

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Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic opened a government session on Thursday by congratulating once again the national football team on winning the silver medal at the World Cup in Russia, noting that the government was willing to take part in efforts to find the best possible solution for a national stadium but without ignoring the football infrastructure in Split, Rijeka and Osijek.

"My sincere congratulations to selector Dalic, the footballers, the Croatian Football Federation's leadership, and all those who gave everyone in Croatia and the Croatian people an opportunity for an amazing celebration and satisfaction with this brilliant result at the World Cup. In terms of sports, this was a fantastic success and in terms of phenomenology, Croatia has become a global brand," Plenkovic said, expressing also satisfaction with the way the football team was welcomed upon their return from Russia.

The success of the national football team has again raised the issue of sports, notably football infrastructure.

"The government is more than willing to care about the sports infrastructure, including the football infrastructure. Once the celebrations subside, we will invite all interested stakeholders to see how the issue of a national stadium should be tackled but without disregarding the football infrastructure in Split, Rijeka and Osijek. We have to take account of the even development of the sports infrastructure as well as of the necessary funds," the PM said.

Text and photo: Hina
