We mark important moments in our history with utmost respect for our soldiers, no need for fake unity in protocols

Photo /Vijesti/2021/travanj/27 travnja/VRH_1071.png

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Tuesday that the government would continue commemorating important anniversaries from the Croatian history in a dignified way and as far as he was concerned there was no need for fake unity at joint protocols with President Zoran Milanović in the future.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković confirmed that the successive arrivals of delegations at the main commemorative event on 1 May in Okučani for the 26th anniversary of Operation Flash was agreed, recalling that the successive arrivals had been organised for the recent commemorations of the 30th anniversary of the Operation Plitvice and the 76th anniversary of the breakout of inmates from the Jasenovac concentration camp.

He said that in Okučani, participants would pay tribute to the fallen soldiers who liberated western Slavonia.

The premier dismissed President Zoran Milanović's claims that successive arrivals would turn into a show.

There is no need to feign unity at ceremonies, Plenković said explaining that the president of the republic would lay his wreath, the parliament's delegation would place their wreath and the government would lay its wreath.

Plenković said that as far as he was concerned, there would be no need for the joint wreath-laying ceremonies until the end of the terms only to feign the unity.

The general public should get accustomed to that, It is the price of uncivilised communication, the premier said.

Earlier on Tuesday, President Milanović said that he was considering not having the army participate in the coming commemoration of the 1995 military and police operation "Flash" in Okučani.

"A situation where soldiers have to stand for hours while politicians and government officials successively lay wreaths to comply with epidemiological measures puts in an awkward position the Army Chief of Staff as well as the commander of the land army who, if they do not want to offend anyone, have to be on duty... after arriving with me, they have to wait for (PM Andrej) Plenković, then, I guess, also for (Parliament Speaker Gordan) Jandroković," said Milanović.

PM Plenković responded later: "What kind of statement is it?"

He went on to say that his cabinet had commemorated all the important anniversaries in a dignified manner and with the full respect for Croatian war veterans and for the dignity of the Homeland War and would continue doing so.

He accused the president of twisting the arguments, and recalled that it was the president who was not with the government during the formal commemorations in Vukovar and who abruptly left last year's commemoration in Okučani.

PM rejects president's proposal on dividing ambassadorial nominations 'fifty-fifty

The prime minister dismissed Milanović's accusation that the Croatian Democratic Union is trying to seize all ambassadorial posts in the continuation of a dispute between the president and the government over the appointment of new ambassadors and consuls, which has been going on for several weeks.

"There is no fifty-fifty division," Plenković said in Split.

We won't choose a few destinations with a few candidates, and leave the rest empty for him, the premier said.

He said ironically that he wasn't interested in "the practices of our Kissingers, such as Mesić, Josipović and the like".

"We aren't proposing anyone from the street, we aren't proposing anyone who isn't competent," Plenković said.

"His (Milanović's) theses on him as a defender against the HDZ controlling everything is ... untrue," Plenković said, adding that it was Milanović who twisted the arguments to fit his own preferred conclusions.

He said that Milanović had received a proposal from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on the appointment of a dozen ambassadors and that talks would continue when he replied.

"If he doesn't like someone, if he thinks that he has someone better, and he told me directly -- I don't have anyone -- so if you don't have anyone, suggest someone," he said.

Milanović on Tuesday said there was "obstruction of the system" and "the desire and ambition of one party to control everything".

On former minister Žalac

"I read the press release for my information. Our judicial bodies are independent. You are aware of our position - we have zero tolerance to corruption. I don't what is behind that and I cannot deduct from the press release what exactly it has to do with," Plenković told reporters during a visit to Split-Dalmatia County.

I don't have any information about what USKOK and the State Prosecutor (DORH) are doing.

What he does know is that the loan in question was approved, as far as he is aware, in accordance with the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) rules.

"We have to see here what this is about exactly. At the moment I don't know nor do I have any detailed information of what USKOK or DORH are working on. She is a member of the HDZ. At the moment I don't see that she is guilty of anything," said Plenković.

He claimed that he saw Žalac about a month ago but they did not discuss the windpark case.

"She will deal with this situation on her own and as far as our relationship is concerned, it is as it was in any case," underscored Plenković.

Text: Hina
