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Since Brexit was initiated, it should be conducted in an orderly fashionEuropean Union leaders, meeting at a special summit in Brussels on Sunday, endorsed an agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and a political declaration on future EU-UK relations, European Council President Donald Tusk announced after the meeting. 17.11.2018. | News
The Global Compact not legally binding, minister Božinović to represent Croatia at the Marrakesh conferenceThe government on Friday sent to the parliament a new bill on financing political activities such as election and referendum campaigns and similar activities. 16.11.2018. | News
Croatia marking 100 yrs of end of WWIIn marking the centenary of the end of World War I, we remember one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of humankind which claimed the lives of ten million soldiers and eight million civilians and whose far-reaching and fatal consequences deeply defined the 20th century, leaving an indelible mark on the collective conscience of preset-day Europe, built on commitment to lasting peace and cooperation between once warring European nations, the government said on Sunday. 11.11.2018. | News
National Innovation Council helping inventors to absorb more EU fundsThe first session of the National Innovation Council was held in the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Ministry on Friday, paving the way to creating prerequisites for a more adequate and a more dynamic absorption of EU funds, earmarked for inventors. 09.11.2018. | News
VAT on OTC drugs to be lowered to 5%, tax-free bonus amount to rise to HRK 7,500The government on Friday sent to the parliament a set of nine final bills on taxation envisaging amendments to the Value Added Tax legislation, including a lower, 5% rate on prescription drugs as well as on over-the-counter drugs, and a rise in the tax-free amount of annual bonuses for employees from HRK 2,500 to HRK 7,500. 09.11.2018. | News
PM says 2019 draft budget based on 2.9% economic growth ratePrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday expenditures would not be increased in a 2018 budget revision thanks to positive macroeconomic trends, while the 2019 draft budget, based on 2.9% economic growth, was rational and good. 09.11.2018. | News
Croatia's priority during EPSCO presidency will be activation of unemployedCroatian Pension and Labour System Minister Marko Pavic said that one of the priorities of Croatia's European Union presidency in the first half of 2020 would be "the activation of the unemployed, the enhancement of skills and wellbeing in the workplace". 09.11.2018. | News
EC revises up Croatia's 2018 GDP growth rate to 2.8%The European Commission on Thursday revised upward Croatia's GDP growth forecast for 2018 to 2.8% from 2.6%, noting that a surprisingly strong growth in the second quarter signalised a solid growth throughout the year. 08.11.2018. | News
Croatian and Finnish PMs satisfied with bilateral relationsCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and his Finnish counterpart, Juha Sipila, who met in Helsinki on Wednesday, agreed that the relations between their countries had been more and more developed, and were now together preparing the programme for the European trio that will chair the Council of the European Union over the next year and a half year. 07.11.2018. | News
Croatian PM wraps up visit to China, urges bolstering economic cooperationCroatia has a favorable geographical position in the middle of Europe and as a member of the European Union it is part of the large European market with over 500 million people which represents a great opportunity for Chinese companies interested in cooperation, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Shanghai on Tuesday, at the Croatia-China business forum which brought together representatives of about 30 Croatian and more than 130 Chinese companies. 06.11.2018. | News