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Prime Minister Oreskovic receives Mufti HasanovicPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Monday met with the head of the Islamic Community in Croatia, Mufti Aziz Hasanovic. 29.02.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic meets with new World Bank director for EUPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic met in Zagreb on Monday with the new World Bank regional director for the European Union, Arup Banerji. 29.02.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic: There should be less talk and more workThe government presented its plan to the EC vice-president, and Prime Minister Oreskovic said that the focus of the plan was on reducing debt, increasing investment, cutting the budget deficit, reducing unemployment and launching specific reforms.  26.02.2016. | News
Budget revenues planned at HRK 113b, expenditures at HRK 120.4bThe revenues of the 2016 budget are planned at HRK 113 billion and expenditures at HRK 120.4 billion, with the deficit amounting to about HRK 7.5 billion, or 2.2 percent of GDP, according to guidelines for drawing up this year's budget which the government adopted on Thursday. 25.02.2016. | News
Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic, Chinese delegation talk cooperationPrime Minister received a delegation of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China to discuss projects in infrastructure, transport, energy and tourism, and the Chinese delegation showed interest in investing in the northern Adriatic port of Rijeka. 23.02.2016. | News