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Croatia against fences on borders, says Foreign Minister Vesna PusicCroatia is against erecting walls on borders, Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic said in Luxembourg on Saturday, responding to Hungary's announcement of the possibility of putting up a fence on the Croatian border if migrants started coming to Hungary from Croatia. 05.09.2015. | News
Prime Minister: Government now to focus on controlling public debtIn Ludbreg, Milanovic visited the foreign-owned companies Ducati Komponenti and ACG Lukaps, which respectively manufacture electric-drive vehicles and capsules for the pharmaceutical industry and are export-oriented.  04.09.2015. | News
Prime Minister Milanovic says refugee quotas acceptable, walls notPrime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Friday it was acceptable that the European Commission should define refugee allocation quotas and the member states accept them, but that it was unacceptable to erect walls and fences to stop immigrants in their quest for a better life. 04.09.2015. | News
Prime Minister Milanovic to visit Ludbreg 04.09.2015. | Announcements
Vesna Pusic says Croatia can provide for migrants, quotas questionableForeign Minister Vesna Pusic said on Friday that Croatia could provide for 3,200 migrants and refugees, although it would have to do so for 550 people, and that the issue of quotas remained very questionable at the level of European Union member states. 04.09.2015. | News
Deputy Prime Minister Grcic: Continuation of positive trends in Croatia's economy Regional Development and European Union Funds Minister Branko Grcic said that the data confirmed that Croatia was on the rise. "That's the highest growth rate since the beginning of the crisis, way back in 2008. That confirms our claims that Croatia is growing," said Grcic. 03.09.2015. | News
Retail trade rises for 12 straight monthsRetail trade in Croatia rose by 4.5% this July compared to July 2014, according to preliminary figures released on Thursday by the Croatian statistical office which also said this is the biggest increase in nearly eight years. 03.09.2015. | News
Vesna Pusic Croatia's candidate for UN Secretary-General, expects president's supportForeign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusic has said that the government has decided to nominate her for the post of UN Secretary-General and that she hopes President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic will support her nomination. 03.09.2015. | News | Equality and Human Rights
Gov't introduces solidarity charge to pay electricity bills of poor householdsThe Croatian government on Thursday adopted a regulation under which households will pay a HRK 0.03 solidarity charge per kilowatt hour of electricity to finance electricity costs of underprivileged households. 03.09.2015. | News