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Gov't to discuss budget revision, income tax, VAT...At its session on Thursday, the Croatian government is expected to formulate a draft revised budget for 2014, as well as changes to income tax and to the Value Added Tax Act. 04.11.2014. | News
PM says DUUDI to be in charge of relocation of gov't servicesPrime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Thursday that the State Property Management Office (DUUDI) would in the future be in charge of activities related to the relocation of government ministries and other institutions. 04.11.2014. | News
Croatia to be ready for Schengen on 1 July 2015, interior minister saysCroatia is procuring state-of-the-art equipment for the protection of European Union borders and is expected to be ready for the Schengen Area by 1 July 2015, Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said on Thursday, according to a government press release. 04.11.2014. | News
Minister says war veterans' pensions won't be cutCroatian war veterans' pension allowances will not be reduced, there is no legal basis for such a move nor is government planning restriction of any of the veterans' rights. 04.11.2014. | News
Monetisation of motorway operators' debt to be decided by citizens, says PMCroatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Monday that citizens would decide on whether the debt of two state-run motorway operators would be monetised and that the government would also ask the Constitutional Court for its position in making the final decision. 04.11.2014. | News
Croatia to provide EUR 40,000 to WHO for Ebola-hit W. AfricaThe Croatian government will disburse 300,000 kuna in humanitarian aid for western African areas hit by the outbreak of the Ebola virus, according to a decision adopted by the Cabinet of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Thursday. 30.10.2014. | News
Croatian government adopts EU Partnership AgreementAfter months of discussion, the Croatian government on Tuesday adopted the Agreement on Partnership with the European Union, which describes how Croatia will proceed to meet the common goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy. 28.10.2014. | News
Level of interfering in Ukraine crisis unacceptable, Croatian PM saysCroatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said in Milan on Friday that Europe did not have a uniform position on how to solve the Ukraine crisis and that Croatia found "the level of interfering" in Ukraine's home affairs " 17.10.2014. | News
European Day against Human Trafficking 17.10.2014. | Announcements