Božinović Never has more money been allocated for demining than in last three years

The Croatian Ministry of the Interior has never allocated more funds for mine clearance than in the last three years, and HRK 417 milion has been set aside for 2020, Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Thursday.

Mine clearance experts and members of the New Union rallied outside the government offices to draw attention to the poor situation in the mine clearance sector because of which many experts were losing their jobs.

"I am aware of their situation, but ever since the Ministry of the Interior took over the Croatian Mine Action Centre and took charge of demining projects, never has more money been allocated for demining than in the last three years," Bozinovic told the press outside the government offices.

He said that HRK 417 million, including both national and EU funding, had been allocated for that purpose for this year, adding that the amount was reduced by HRK 15 million because of the corona crisis.

"I think the situation is much better than in other sectors. There is certainly no reason to lay anyone off for lack of work, because it is not lacking, the money is not lacking. The corona crisis has affected this sector disproportionately less than other sectors," the minister said.

The union demands full employment for mine clearance experts so that they can have regular pay, higher pensions for retired experts, and "an exit strategy" for young experts in the form of further training or employment after they finish mine clearance.

The protesters failed to talk to the prime minister, but it was agreed that they would meet with Bozinovic in the afternoon.

Text: Hina
