Five people granted asylum in Croatia, four given subsidiary protection status

ZAGREB, June 23 (Hina) - Croatia has so far granted asylums to five applicants and subsidiary protection to another four applicants, and this happened mainly over the last year, Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said at a round table discussion on Croatia's asylum-granting system, which was organised in Zagreb on Tuesday.

ddressing the event, organised by the government's office for human rights in cooperation with the independent Asylum Commission, Kosor said that the national legislation in this field was completely adjusted to the European Union's acquis communautaire which meant that conditions for being granted asylum in Croatia and the EU were exactly alike.

She went on to say that progress had been made with the building of a centre for asylum seekers in Kutina, 70 kilometres southeast of Zagreb, and with the enactment of the Asylum Law last year.

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