GDP: In the second quarter of 2018, the Croatian economy went up 2.9 percent

In the second quarter of 2018, the Croatian economy went up 2.9% on the year, faster than in Q1, mainly thanks to higher export and consumption, the national statistical office said on Wednesday.

This year's Q2 was the 16th quarter in a row that GDP increased. In Q1, GDP went up 2.5% on the year.

The biggest positive contribution to GDP in Q2 came from higher exports. The export of commodities went up 7.1% and that of services by 4.3%. Thus, the exports rose by 5.6%

The import of commodities went up 2.9% and that of services by 13.9%, with a rise of  4.7% in total imports.

The contribution of domestic demand was also positive. Household consumption in Q2 went up 3.6% on the year. In Q1, the annual increase was 3.9%. The contribution of household consumption to economic growth was 2 percentage points.

Government spending slowed down to 2.5%, while Q1 saw an annual increase of 2.8%.

Gross investment in fixed capital went up 3.1%, down 0.5 percentage points from Q1.

According to seasonally adjusted data, GDP in Q2 went up 1.1% over the previous quarter and 2.8% on the year.

Text: Hina
