Good signs for economic growth, PM says

Photo /Vijesti/2015/veljača/5 veljače/JKP_4700.JPG

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Thursday the data on the year-on-year growth of retail trade and industrial production was a good sign that the economy too would record positive growth rates.

The national statistical office (DZS) said yesterday that retail trade in December 2014 jumped 2.6% on the year, which was the fifth straight month in which spending grew and its biggest rise since mid-2013. Recently, the DZS said industrial production in December 2014 jumped 5.3% on the year, rising for the fourth straight month, its biggest rise since the beginning of the recession in 2009.

"This is somewhat of a trend now. We'll see if it will turn into concrete growth rates," Milanovic said at a government session, adding that this was "positive data... Let's wait, we'll see, but the signs aren't bad. They're good, I'd say."

He also commented on the interest of the most renowned foreign media in the government's New Beginning measure, the write-off of debts or a moratorium on distraint proceedings against the poorest citizens whose bank accounts have been frozen, saying the interest surprised him.

"It was recognised as something unique and, we believe, also good... therefore we are glad that things are being talked about that were motivated solely by the wish to help those people and not to publicise ourselves, because we have no use from that," Milanovic said.

He was glad that foreign media noted "that projects are happening in Croatia and responsibly," saying it "was all a process of negotiation, agreement and persuasion." He highlighted the role of Social Policy and Youth Minister Milanka Opacic in the reaching of an agreement with local governments, banks and telecoms. "I believe this will help people," he said.

(Hina) ha
