Gov't forms Demographic Revival Council

Photo /Vijesti/2017/04 travanj/6 travnja/29. sjednica 2.jpg

The Croatian government on Thursday formed a Demographic Revival Council to monitor and coordinate the implementation of demographic policy measures from the government's 2016-2020 programme.

The Council is an expert coordinating body presided over by the prime minister and its task is to give proposals and recommendations on demographic policy and monitor the implementation of demographic policy measures.

"The Council's activities are directed at creating conditions for a demographic revival of Croatia, namely development and population renewal, which means the inclusion of all stakeholders from the social, economic, housing, education, legal, financial, tax and other policies," said Nada Murganic, Minister of Demographics, Family, Youth and Social Policy.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said he was confident the council would assist the government in achieving its objectives and programmes and help the demographic revival of the county, adding that the public had great expectations.

"There are a lot of initiatives, requests for a special ministry, so let us see how this Council will respond to those requests," Plenkovic said.

Ahead of the government session, Murganic told the press that cooperation between ministries was critical for the implementation of demographic revival measures.

At its session on Thursday, the government also adopted draft collective agreements for employees in elementary and high schools for the period until 1 September, which keep the same entitlements for those workers.

The government also dissolved the city councils in Varazdin and Split over their failure to adopt city budgets.

Text: Hina
