Gov't gives guarantee for EUR 40 mln loan to HZ Infrastruktura

The cabinet of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Thursday sent to parliament a bill on the ratification of the guarantee agreement between Croatia and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on financing the cost of overhauling the Croatian Railways (HZ) company HZ Infrastruktura.

On 16 December, HZ Infrastruktura and the EBRD signed an agreement on a 40 million euro loan to this national railway infrastructure company for the acquisition of track maintenance machinery and for the support to the company's labour restructuring programme. The loan will be repaid over a period of 15 years with a three-year grace.

During today's meeting, the government also discussed proposed amendments to the legislation on enhancing the entrepreneurial climate.

The Milanovic cabinet decided to reduce the number of members, from 10 to 6, in polling committees for European Parliament elections to be held this spring.

This reduction will save 13.2 million kuna at the EP elections.

The proposed amended Schengen Action Plan was endorsed.

In the next three years, all state administration bodies will spend a total of HRK 3.35 billion to implement the plan, Minister of the Interior Ranko Ostojic said.

The plan is a strategic document with steps which Croatia should take to be ready for the full implementation of the Schengen acquis.

