Government proposes new aid to save jobs

At its session on Thursday, the government adopted a bill on aid for the preservation of jobs which includes the existing possibility of a non-working Friday and a new possibility of a non-working Thursday.

Labour and Pension System Minister Mirando Mrsic said the government-sponsored bill could save 2,000 jobs. He added that he had received support from social partners for his legal solutions and that five million kuna of the budgetary funds have been secured this year for the implementation of the bill.

The bill, according to Mrsic, will enable employers facing difficulties in their business, who draw up a business recovery programme and a job preservation programme and have paid taxes and contributions, to use aid to save jobs.

The government's proposal concerning a shorter work week stipulates that employers can cut the work week to last 60% of full time employment at the least.

The government also created the possibility of 12-month long use of the aid within a period of three years.

