Horvat: For Đuro Đaković we did everything in accordance with the strict rules and directives of the European Commission

Photo /Vijesti/2020/05 svibanj/12 svibnja/HN20200422544887.JPG

Economy Minister Darko Horvat said on Tuesday that the government's measures for overcoming the coronavirus crisis were not ideal, but that the government had never before placed so much trust in the entrepreneurial sector, and that the trust must not be abused as the intention was to save jobs.

After his visit to the Djuro Djakovic mechanical engineering company in Slavonski Brod, journalists asked the minister of economy, entrepreneurship and crafts about the need to revise the system of government aid for overcoming the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

"The government's response to the threat was not only supposed to be produced in three to five days, but actually was produced. The measures that were put on the table were certainly not ideal," the minister stated, adding that the Tax Administration and the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ) were checking on what companies are spending the money coming from the state budget into their business accounts.

"Never has a government placed such complete trust in the entrepreneurial sector in the history of Croatia. At the same time, this is also an appeal not to abuse that trust, and to put a significant part of the funds, designed to keep jobs, into workers' accounts," the minister emphasised.

Text: Hina
