Members of the Government of Croatia made a video-recording to thank the EU Commissioners: ‘Thank you, Europe!’

Members of the Government of the Republic of Croatia made a short video-recording today in 23 languages to thank the European Commission, which published its welcome-video on Friday, to mark the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union.

On Friday, the European Commission published a video via social networks, in which all EU Commissioners wished a welcome to Croatia in their mother tongues, on the occasion of Croatia’s accession. Croatian Ministers and the staff of the Prime Minister’s office thanked them in the 23 official languages of the European Union, and in Croatian, the 24th official language.

They replied to: “Kroatien willkommen!”, “Zapraszamy!” or “Benvenuti Croazia!” with: “Danke schön!”, “Dziękuję bardzo!” and “Grazie mille!”

The Government of the Republic of Croatia invites the citizens to join in the festivities on the Internet, using the hashtag: #CroatiaEU. With their own posts on social networks, they will thus create a unique online story about Croatia.

Stories, photos, statuses and posts of the citizens from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, hashtagged: #CroatiaEU will be shown at the central celebration of Croatia’s accession to the EU, in Zagreb, on June 30th 2013. Internet users will be able to follow the event on YouTube Channel of the Government of the Republic of Croatia:

Welcome video of the European Commission:

Video reply of the Government of the Republic of Croatia:

More about the initiative: #CroatiaEU:

A video about the hashtag:

All Members of the Government, except Minister Ranko Ostojić, took part in the video recording. Minster Ostojić is on a business trip and was replaced by Spokesman of the Minstry of Interior Dušan Miljuš. Other Staff Members participating are: Tomislav Saucha, Chairman of the Working Group for Marking the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union and the entire Public Relations Office of the Government.

Order of Speakers by language:

1. prof. dr. sc. Andrea Zlatar Violić - French
2. Anka Mrak - Taritaš - Hungarian
3. Ivan Vrdoljak - Portugese
4. Predrag Matić - Romanian
5. prof. dr. sc. Rajko Ostojić, dr. med.- Latvian
6. doc. dr. sc. Željko Jovanović, dr. med., mr. oec. - Greek
7. Mihael Zmajlović - Finnish
8. Darko Lorencin - Italian
9. Tihomir Jakovina - Lithuanian
10. dr. sc. Siniša Hajdaš Dončić - Polish
11. prof. dr. sc. Mirando Mrsić, dr. med. - Dutch
12. Gordan Maras - Slovak
13. Arsen Bauk - Czech
14. mr. sc. Orsat Miljenić - Bulgarian
15. Dušan Miljuš - Swedish
16. Ante Kotromanović - Estonian
17. Slavko Linić - Maltese
18. Tomislav Saucha - Irish
19. prof. dr. sc. Branko Grčić - Danish
20. mr. sc. Neven Mimica - German
21. Milanka Opačić - Spanish
22. prof. dr. sc. Vesna Pusić - Slovenian
23. Zoran Milanović - English
24. Public Relations Office of the Government - Croatian

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