People were always Croatia's most valuable capital, we will encourage excellence through a modern education system

Photo /Vijesti/2019/03 Ožujak/11 ožujka/IMG_0895.JPG

The Faculty of Catholic Theology (KBF), University of Zagreb convened a special meeting on Monday to mark the 350th anniversary of its existence, with prominent guests from religious, academic and political circles in Croatia in attendance.

Addressing those present, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that during many changes in status and internal reforms and despite all the challenges, the KBF has maintained continuity and has remained constant in its long and rich tradition as the oldest ecclesiastic but also Croatian higher education institution. "That shows that the role of the Catholic Church in developing culture, science and education has been exceptionally significant throughout Croatian history," he added.

"People were always Croatia's most valuable capital, and it is necessary to invest in them. Our future depends on encouraging excellence, innovation and creativity. That is why we need a modern education system that will help new generations to obtain the skills necessary to be competitive in Europe," he claimed.

Plenkovic said that considering that modernisation and investing in the education system is a strategic question of the future and this government, an increase of more than one billion kuna is foreseen for this purpose, which is about 6.6% more than in 2018.

"At the same time we are aware that our future depends on advocating general good, which is why education is not possible without fundamental values," he said and added that that is why they have been built into the new school curriculum.

Plenkovic underlined that education cannot be left to the law of the market and profit, and theology has an immeasurable place in that among other scientific disciplines.

Text: Hina
