PM Plenkovic: Memory of Holocaust victims needs to be preserved

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, that it was necessary to preserve the memory of the victims and tragedy of the Jewish people across Europe, including Croatia, "so that we can remain truly dedicated to fighting for a society free of any form of hatred and intolerance."

"By observing International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Europe and the world remember the systematic persecution, genocide and extreme suffering of the Jews, without forgetting persecutions of the Roma and other victims of the Nazi regime," a government press release said.

Plenkovic said that this was an opportunity to remember the darkest period in the history of humankind, the suffering of millions of innocent victims, their families and descendants, and all the brave individuals who, risking their own lives, stood up to the injustice and evil to save their neighbours, as did 115 Croatian Righteous among the Nations, of whom the Croatian people are proud today, according to the press release.

"We need to preserve the memory of the victims and tragedy of the Jewish people across Europe, including Croatia, so that we can remain truly dedicated to fighting for a society free of any form of hatred and intolerance. We owe it to future generations to develop mutual understanding and respect so that exclusion, extremism and intolerance would never again prevail in Croatia and Europe," the PM Plenkovic said.

"That's why freedom and equality, respect for diversity and national equality, and the inalienable dignity of each human are woven into the foundations of our constitutional order and their promotion remains our permanent task," PM Plenkovic concluded.

A government delegation, led by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Marija Pejcinovic Buric, laid a wreath in the Jewish section of Mirogoj Cemetery in Zagreb on Friday to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Also attending were Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and Presidential Adviser Mate Granic.

Text: Hina

News | Plenkovic Andrej