PM Plenkovic: Systematic resolution of Agrokor crisis begins today

Photo /Vijesti/2017/04 travanj/10 travnja/Izjave 5.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic told on Monday, after the government proposed a receiver for Agrokor, that today was the beginning of systematic resolution of this crisis and the first stage in restructuring the ailing food and retail group.

At its session on Monday morning the government nominated Ante Ramljak as receiver, and Plenkovic said that he had signed the decision and that the Commercial Court would rule on it later today.

Plenkovic said that now it was important to agree the pace of activities this week through dialogue with Agrokor's suppliers and the coordinating committee of creditor banks.

"It is essential to obtain fresh liquidity, which the creditor banks are prepared to give. That will ensure, by Easter, the payment of wages to employers and the beginning of payment of claims to suppliers," the PM said.

Ramljak said: "We are facing a fight for Agrokor, for its employees, its suppliers and creditors, and a fight to ensure that this business problem does not spill over to the entire economy of Croatia and the economies in the region."

Plenkovic is due to meet with Agrokor's main suppliers at 10 am and with the creditor banks at noon.

Text: Hina
