PM receives Holy See secretary for relations with states

Photo /Vijesti/2018/10 listopad/12 listopada/4_web.jpg

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Friday received the Holy See Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, and they talked, among other things, about the canonisation of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, the government said in a press release.

Plenkovic and Gallagher said Croatia-Vatican relations were very good, as was the government's commitment to the implementation of the Vatican agreements.

Plenkovic said Croatia supported the pope's activities, notably appreciating his messages of hope, peace and Christian solidarity to the most endangered states and parts of the world.

Discussing the canonisation of Stepinac, Gallagher informed Plenkovic about the course of the process launched by the Church.

Discussing the situation in Southeast Europe, the two officials underlined the importance of Croatia's role in supporting the countries in their region on their European journey.

Commenting on last week's elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Plenkovic said Croatia cared about the equality of the constituent peoples and all other citizens in BiH, notably Croats as the smallest ethnic group.

Talking about migration, Plenkovic underlined Croatia's contribution to the prevention of illegal migration and to the protection of the longest non-Schengen border within the European Union. In doing so, it is also important to treat the people threatened by war humanely and responsibly, he added.

Text: Hina
