Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic congratulates International Workers' Day

Photo /Vijesti/2018/04 travanj/30 travnja/AP1.jpg

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday wished Croatian citizens a happy International Workers' Day, saying the government had proved that it was systematically working on the creation of an economic environment for new hirings, better salaries and higher living standards as well as, in cooperation with the social partners, working on political stability, legal certainty, growth and solidarity.

When it won majority confidence and assumed responsibility for running the country, the government wished to enable the prosperity of all Croats and Croatia, Plenkovic said in a message.

Last year's general government surplus confirmed the government's determination and responsibility in implementing the fiscal policy and those efforts have been acknowledged by international financial institutions and rating agencies by upgrading Croatia's credit rating to just one notch below investment level, Plenkovic said.

Croatia's economic growth is stable and sustainable in the long term, the public debt is systematically decreasing, the unemployment decrease is the biggest in the European Union, as is employment growth, Plenkovic said.

He added that the government has shown its care for Croatian workers by salvaging thousands of jobs during the crisis in the Agrokor food and retail group.

"The challenges contemporary Croatian society is facing can't be solved overnight... We wish to improve living conditions and position of families so as to keep our people and stop them from emigrating, notably young people, thus enabling a demographic revitalisation of the country," said Plenkovic.

He added that the government did not forget the cooperation and social dialogue with employers and unions "because only by working together and as partners can we make Croatia better."

"Therefore the government is continuing to work on the achievement of our fundamental goals - political stability, legal certainty, economic growth and solidarity," said Plenkovic.

Text: Hina
